Hotel safe: if guests have a secret

Готельний сейф: якщо у постояльців є секрет

A safe is a metal cabinet, it can be of various sizes, it is necessary for storing particularly important documents or funds. This type of metal office furniture is usually needed by small companies that do not have their own accounting department, then you can store money in it for various expenses, however, models for home often perform a similar function.

At large enterprises, safes are needed to store documents of all employees of the company, which in the future will make it possible to create a personal file for any of them. In both cases, the safe is installed in the director’s office; as a rule, it is hidden under the table or it is installed in a hidden way in the wall. Of course, the safe is protected by a code, which makes opening it difficult. Nowadays, hotel safes are also often installed for guests in decent hotels.

Safes are made burglar-resistant or fire-resistant

Don’t make it too difficult for yourself which type of safe to choose. Any of these safes will be difficult to both burn and crack. This is due to the fact that in certain models the emphasis is on one of the qualities. Accordingly, fire-resistant ones are tested for strength by extremely high temperature exposure. Naturally, they heat up, but the valuables stored in them will not be damaged. To choose the right fire-resistant model, you need to be aware of what you are going to store in it in advance. If the subject of storage is documents or cash, then you should buy a safe that has a symbol with the letter “B”, and if it is disks or various magnetic media, choose the “DIS” marking.

The locking mechanisms of burglar-resistant safes are carefully checked for strength. They are equipped with specially strong locks that confuse burglars. Naturally, the body of such office furniture is quite strong, which is why it cannot be hacked or cut with a saw. In addition, for a certain period of time, in the event of a fire, it will continue to remain unharmed.

Also today there are combination safes that have a heat-resistant body and are equipped with modern locks, so they will be impregnable to fire and human intervention.