Preparing for a road trip

Готуємося до подорожі на автомобілі

Very often, when travelling by car, drivers are faced with a fairly common problem – lack of space for cargo. In fact, this issue is quite solvable. All that is required is to use additional rails for the car. Under these devices are structures designed for installation on the roof of the car. They are ideal for transporting large-sized items that for certain reasons do not fit into the standard luggage compartment of the car. Roof rails are an excellent alternative to trailers, which require the mandatory presence of a towbar. Moreover, with the help of such constructions it is possible to transport not only all kinds of cargo, but also bicycle equipment, as well as sports and garden equipment.

Car roof rails are made of metal or metal-plastic. They are fixed in standard places, which are initially provided on the body part. Roof rails are additionally supplied with plug holders.

The main advantages of using roof rails on a car

  1. Firstly, these structures are characterised by a lower cost, compared to trailer devices.
  2. Secondly, with the help of these rails you can transport various cargo.
  3. Thirdly, due to high strength and low weight, the rails do not lose their original properties for a long time, and do not create additional load on the body part.
  4. Fourthly, the installation of roof rails is carried out by the motorist himself without the need to seek help from experienced specialists.

Installing roof rails

If you want to save your own efforts and time, then you can ask for help from the very beginning to a master, who will cope with the task in a short time. But when installing additional rails yourself, you need to be especially careful. In this case, it is necessary to inspect the roof of the car and check the presence of landing places. If there are standard holes in the roof of the car, then it will be necessary to move the plugs. Before fixing the rails it is necessary to thoroughly clean the upper part of the body from existing dirt, as well as degrease the working places with the subsequent application of sealant.

In the case of the absence of factory holes on the roof of the car, the installation of the rails will become somewhat more complicated. The whole point is that here it will be necessary to drill additional holes, while dismantling the panelling of the ceiling surface of the interior.