Traditional Chinese medicine in case of stroke

Народна Китайська Медицина в Разі Інсульту

Stroke can be called one of the variants of the result of exhaustion of the nervous system in its final stage. Figuratively, this disease can be described as a condition in which “the plug is blown out”.

Western medicine explains ischaemic stroke by the fact that a brain vessel is blocked by a blood clot. As a result, a certain part of the brain stops receiving blood, and cells without nourishment die. The cells use a lot of energy to work, so they are too sensitive to oxygen and nutrition. Due to cell death, the functions accountable to them are lost. Accordingly, we see various manifestations of this process. Usually a person in this case has speech and motor disorders – vision, speech, orientation in space, arm or leg cannot be lifted.

Where does a blood clot come from?

A blood clot can occur in the heart as well as in various arteries in the body, including the carotid artery. Western scientists believe that blood clots cannot simply be called cholesterol plaques. They are formed around certain substances. These substances the body creates under the influence of certain negative emotions. How does this happen? Emotions cause hormonal metabolic changes, and they in turn contribute to the formation of insoluble substances that remain on the walls of blood vessels. These substances surround the cells of the immune system, and thus a plaque is formed, which can turn into a blood clot.

Therefore, the main tip in stroke prevention is to constantly control your negative emotions and work on them.

Chinese medicine believes that stroke has a rather complex etiology. It includes two components: phlegm and wind. The work of the liver and the nervous system are similar in many ways. The functions of both are the distribution of energy throughout the body. Therefore, disturbances in the nervous system affect the work of the liver as well. For example, anger and irritation disrupt the proper flow of energy in the liver. Energy is compressed, stagnates, and this in turn becomes the cause of irritability. Women have problems with their periods or breastfeeding. There may also appear a lump in the throat, discomfort in the subcostal region, digestive system disorders. This is how the first congestive stage manifests itself.

From the position of Chinese medicine, stroke is a manifestation of wind. Therefore, experts recommend taking an effective drug bolus huato as a preventive measure.